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Gamified musical theater about children of migration in Germany

June 2025


"Schattenfangen" is more than just a play – it’s an experience that brings history to life, takes participants on a journey into the past, and builds a bridge between generations. It revives the invisible stories of the city, making memories resonate through sound, movement, and interaction. In an hour that transcends time, participants become part of a grand game that allows them to uncover the hidden sides of Berlin and deepen their understanding of Germany's complex migration history.


Direction: Ceren Ercan // Composition: Emre Dündar // Digital App - Game Design: Fehime Seven //

Co-Direction: Lea Theus

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May 2025​

Sonic Emphaties is a contemporary music performance project that explores the challenges and possibilities of empathy in our modern, digitally connected world. The work addresses how people can come closer to one another and develop mutual understanding through the discovery and comprehension of diverse sound worlds and communication languages. It is conceived as a performative music concert, aimed at an audience with an affinity for New Music and interdisciplinary art.


Composition: Emre Dündar // Performer Artist: Elif Ürse


Sep 2025


Madonna im Pelzmantel, eines der wichtigsten Meisterwerke des berühmten türkischen Schriftstellers Sabahattin Ali  wird von Opera Now in Musiktheaterformat inszeniert. Das Stück wird unter der Regie der preisgekrönten Schauspielerin und Regisseurin Elif Ürse mit dem preisgekrönten Schauspieler Alican Yücesoy und der bekannten Schauspielerin Eva Hüster aufgeführt.


Direction: Elif Ürse // Performer: Eva Hüster - Alican Yücesoy

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DALL·E 2024-11-18 00.40.10 - A presentation cover page with the title 'No One's City'_edit




No One’s City is an immersive VR storytelling experience following the journey of X, a young girl who recently arrived in the city of B after fleeing war in her hometown. As she faces bullying and adapts to her new life, a mysterious voice calls to her one day, leading her to embark on a quest across the city. Along the way, she perceives a unique symphony of sounds—from the stories of fellow immigrants to the subtle whispers of nature. Project reinterprets immigration as a source of skill and resilience, highlighting how X’s experiences grant her a heightened sense of hearing that reveals the city’s hidden stories. By embodying X’s perspective, the audience can feel the city come alive, revealing the complex relationship between humans and their environment. Through her ears, we hope to offer a resonant, immersive understanding of migration.


XR Director: Fehime Seven // Experience Design & Narrative: Ceren Ercan // Production Manager: Fehime Seven - Asli Ersüzer Sökmen


New Opera about/for New Wave People



The political and social events of recent years have triggered waves of emigration in many countries. In Turkey as well, many secular young people have contemplated emigration. Germany, and particularly Berlin, have become a destination for this wave of migration, and the young Turks who stayed here became known as the "New Wave." Renowned playwright Ceren Ercan and award-winning composer Emre Dündar address the topic of emigration, which has significantly increased among secular Turks over the past 10 years, in their opera "Berlin Zamanı/Time for Berlin."



Text: Ceren Ercan // Composition: Emre Dündar // Direction: Lea Theus // Dramaturgy: Frieda Lange

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